Happy Days!
I have an imaginary calendar.
Every night, I think of a face to represent the day.
The more smiley faces I have, the happier my life is.
This has helped me look at moments and think,
“Is this worth putting a frowny face in my life?”
Usually, it is not worth it, and helps me let go of the petty stuff.
On the other end, when I am grieving for someone I love,
there are many sad faces and/or angry faces.
And looking back, I would not have it any other way!
For those days, those weeks, scattered through the years, represent a deep love!
This helps me really appreciate my sorrow and offer space.
Space to feel,
space to reach out and be heard,,
space to hear others grieving.
I often hear people say "How do I get over this?"
I believe there is no way over it, only through it.
I remember, as sad as I feel, it is out of pure love.
So, I imagine them all as angels, who can still receive my love
and still comfort me in my heartache.
Is it true?
I'm not sure.
What I do know is that my heart breaks when I think of them as 'Gone'
And my soul is comforted when I imagine them as angels.
I hope you find a space in your imagination to find comfort & smiley faces!
Krysta Bell
Gathering Thyme Movement
3rd Annual Spirit Rising Festival! Vendors Welcome!
Apply now for Early Bird Prices!
Coffee of the Month
Lakeside Decaf Dark ~ Decaf Blend
Swiss Water Processed decaffeinated organic beans from Brazil, Ethiopia, Honduras, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. A delightful flavor and aroma... the only thing lacking is the caffeine.
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March, 2023
Gratitude, Gratitude, Love
Earth Tending Crew!
Kristy / Krysta Bell / Krissy Bear