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My Practicing Key

Updated: 3 days ago

My Practicing Key

Practice makes perfect, and perfect is key;

when wanting to be the kind of person that I want me to be.

Now perfection is not always as cool as it seems.

For there are many imperfections on the way to ones dreams.

Standing with courage, I face intimidating tasks.

I trip, I pause; I fall on my a**.

Then brush off my shoulders, enduring the pain,

and I get back up, proud of my gain.

I laugh away the hindsight,

I forgive the imperfections,

I square off my shoulders,

and I learn a lesson.

Perfecting my practice; now that is the key...

for the better my practice, the more versatile my key.

Krysta Bell

December 28th, 2011

Check out This Muse Letter!

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Coffee of the Month

Strong Creek ~ Dark Blend

Just as Strong Creek flows through and energizes the city of Hope,

these Nicaraguan beans bring you a smooth cup

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Gratitude, Gratitude, Love

Kristy / Krysta Bell / Krissy Bear


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