Thanks To Things
By Krysta Bell
I wrote this piece this morning. It has been beebopping in my mind for the last couple of days. The appreciation that I have for all the people in my life runs deep inside my being. So often, when I think about the past, it is the smiles that spark the memory of the moment. This poem is all about my gratitude for all the smiles in my life.
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ush Play Listen & Enjoy!
THE APPRECIATION CELEBRATION is a 3 month event that I have every year. It always starts out with the best price of all in November. Gratitude Give Away in December. Award Ceremony is in January. I'll keep you posted here in our Muse Letter.
A Warm Welcome to Our New Member!
Talisman Soul
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610 Hubbard St STE 206, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
You can find their details in our Directory of Members!
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In Closing, Here is a Link to one of my Marketing Rebel Videos. In it I share about Why Scripting is so important. It talks about the three building blocks of your word of mouth advertising. The 30 Second Intro, The Objection Response and the Closing. I hope this can be helpful for all you in the Salesman Trade. I'm passionate about it and I'm happy to share the tricks of the trade! =)
Thank You Kindly
Kristy, Krysta Bell, Krissy Bear, Speaking Feather